I have a HP LaserJet 1320tn connected over a home LAN. Until I upgraded by Mac from 10.8 to 10.9 everything worked perfectly - it still does on my partner Mac, running 10.8.
I cannot print to the 1320tn over the network (I can print via USB)
I have followed the instructions on this page to the letter.
The printer installs, everything appears to be ok, but when I send a job to it I invariably get the message "Printing - the printer is in use" and nothing happens.
Doesn't matter what application I am using.
I have resent the printing system, deleted and reinstalled the printer and software drivers
All to no avail.
Clearly Apple are the source of this problem (and there seem to be wider networking issues with Mavericks, I couln't connect my Mac to the Buffalo LinkStation in our office yesterday, had no problems with Mountain Lion), but if anyone here knows the solution I would be grateful.